Where have you gone, Greatest Generation?

We're fascinated by a paper published last fall that studies the decline in support for democracy in the United States between 1995 to 2019. The results show a clear pattern of generational decline, with each successive birth cohort since the 1940s being less supportive of democracy than the previous one. This generational decline is not specific to millennials, as is sometimes reported, but part of a longer-term trend starting after World War II. Notably, there is little evidence of a lifecycle effect, where younger people become more supportive of democracy as they age. As older, more pro-democratic generations are replaced by younger, less supportive ones, overall public commitment to democracy in the U.S. is likely to continue declining.

It's a sobering takeaway. What can we do about it? Perhaps recommit to civic education at every level. And elect public leaders who revere the past, understanding our democratic system is an unfinished work that requires attention and investment.


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